Holloway Newsletter - April 2022

1 April 2022

Easter Celebrations, Holloway Men's Shed, Armchair Travel, Morning Melodies and Anzac Services.

Hello everyone!

We hope everyone is keeping well.

As we move through April we have so much to look forward to. The Holloway Men’s Shed is busy sanding and staining our wooden outdoor furniture. Once this project is complete the men will be moving on to their next project with Brendan. We have a number of ideas in the pipe line and look forward to seeing what’s next. The Holloway music therapy sessions with Laurie continue and are going really well. We have four groups that meet with Laurie each week and use music to provide therapy in many different ways. We continue to engage with our residents individually during our meaningful time visits, these visits assist us to ensure our residents well being and individual needs are being met. Our Armchair Travel took off to Ireland in March with many residents coming on the trip. On our next adventure we will be traveling to Thailand and hope to have as many residents as possible travel with us.

The East Keilor RSL are hosting their Morning Melodies event on Tuesday 12th April. Residents who are interested to attend should advised the Lifestyle Team as numbers for this event is limited. There is a cost to each resident for this outing which will be determined on the day. From time to time we have last minute cancelations and we seek other residents to attend. On these occasions Lifestyle will cover the cost and be in contact with the appropriate person for reimbursement if the resident does not have any money with them. The Easter Bunny is very busy this time of year but has advised us he will be visiting our residents on Thursday 14th April at 10:30am. The Easter Bunny hopes to hop about the facility to see as many people as possible while here.

We will be holding our Anzac Service on Friday 22nd April at 10:30am. The service will be hosted by a representative from the East Keilor RSL and Holloway staff. We are very happy to have welcomed Bunnings Maribyrnong activity crew back onsite on Tuesday 19th to continue some fun and amazing projects with our residents.

Thank you

A big thank you to the Yarraville Mouth Organ Band for their amazing performance on Sunday 20th March. Residents who attended really enjoyed the show and can’t wait to see you again!

Important Reminders

All visitors to Holloway are required to show evidence of a negative rapid test prior to entry. Please attend reception for testing prior to visiting your loved one in accordance with the directives from the Department. Holloway residents and staff thankyou for your cooperation.

Fund raising

The Holloway Easter Raffle has some EGGcelent prizes, buy your tickets from reception. $2 each or 3 tickets for $5. Raffle will be drawn on Thursday 14th April.

Good Luck!!

Next Meeting

Next Residents, Family and Friends Meeting will be held 7th April at 2pm in the Rec Room, all residents welcome!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter!

Ann West and Tracy Parry

Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinators

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