Holloway Newsletter - August 2022

1 August 2022

Yarraville Mouth Organ Band, Holloway Fun Games, Morning Melodies, Phil Golotta and Indian Independence Day!

Hello everyone,

Well July certainly turned out to be a challenging month with COVID and the restrictions it imposes. So we are all looking forward to August and having the freedom to attend activities, enjoy our friends and family and get back out into the community.

Highlights on the program for this month are:

  • The Yarraville Mouth Organ Band on Sunday 7th
  • The Holloway Fun Games (in the spirit of the Commonwealth Games on Monday 8th
  • Morning Melodies at Keilor east RSL on Tuesday 9th
  • Entertainment by Phil Golotta on Friday 12th
  • and celebrating Indian Independence Day on Monday 15th with a curry luncheon.

The Holloway Happy ladies are getting together for a buffet luncheon on 19th to include a Guest Speaker talk from Julie Spiteri.

All this alongside our regular musical activities with Lawrie Merrigan, a Bunnings Craft workshop, beauty therapies and spiritual services from Father Sebastian and Carol Coon.

Volunteering at Holloway

Due to COVID and other seasonal infections we had to cancel this event in July , fingers crossed we manage it on the 18th August. The volunteers afternoon tea is to we can say good bye to Lois Cameron and David and Laraine Barnes and hello to many new volunteers.

Holloways own local hero

Since we last wrote about Jack we are delighted to tell you that his hampers have arrived and that the residents in various activities have partaken of these goodies. Jack has also been interviewed by OPAN so look out for his interview in issue 4 of News for You their quarterly newsletter. Thank you Jack.

Fund raising

We are pleased to inform you that the stall at Milleara Mall raised $508.85 a very successful day enjoyed by all who attended. We must also thank Jack Cooney for his commercial skills in rounding up custom and promoting Holloway.

Special Birthday

Congratulations to Edna in Rotary House who will be 101 on the 5th August, a great achievement.

Residents, Family and Friends Meeting

Next Residents, Family and Friends Meeting will be held on 1st September at 2pm in the Rec Room, all residents welcome. Holloway Fund Raising Committee meeting to follow.

Ann West and Tracy Parry

Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinators

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