Holloway Newsletter - March 2022

1 March 2022

Holloway erects a Bus Stop, Sun Smart Grant, Pancakes at RSL House and Harmony Day!

The Holloway Community wishes you well as we slowly transition from COVID restrictions to COVID preparedness. Not that we are seeing a lot of changes in aged care yet. However our March Calendar is pretty full and provides much to look forward too.

We will be making pancakes in RSL houses on Tuesday 1st. Welcoming Father Sebastian back for Mass on Thursday the 3rd. Then having a an evening at the Movies showing “No Time to Die” the latest Bond movie accompanied by Mocktails and Canapes, on Friday 6th . A Holloway Happy Ladies luncheon on Friday 11th and men’s shed and men’s luncheon on Friday 18th.

Some shopping opportunities when Shopping Direct visits on Tuesday15th and St Patrick’s Day celebrations on Thursday 17th.

The Yarraville Mouth Organ Band are booked for Sunday 20th March as they had to cancel for February fingers crossed they make it this time.

A Harmony Day themed lunch on Harmony Day Monday 21st then a Bunnings Craft Workshop on Tuesday 22nd. We are discussing Greek Independence Day on Friday 25th and throughout the month enjoying musical entertainment and music as a therapy over several dates with Lawrie Merrigan.

A Big Thank You To Keilor Rotary

Regular visitors to Holloway may have noticed the erection of a Bus Stop in the grounds opposite reception, kindly donated by Keilor Rotary.

This Bus Stop will be incorporated into our dementia support program to reduce restless agitation for those residents wanting to go home or to catch a bus.

Important Reminders

All visitors are required to show evidence of a negative rapid test prior to entry to Holloway. Also can we remind visitors that they are not to visit with their family member in communal areas that are used by all residents. We understand the inconvenience this may cause and thank everyone for their cooperation with this requirement.

Summer Heat

Some good news we have received the money from the Sun Smart Grant and have commissioned the work to erect two new Shade Umbrellas. They will provide more shade to the central area outside of the recreation room. The contractor awaits the necessary permits but hopes to commence the work soon. We have also purchased new outdoor furniture with a separate Sun Smart Grant to be installed once the new shade is erected.

Fund raising

The Holloway craft groups will be starting work on items for sale and we hope to be able to have a couple of stalls at Milleara Mall later in the year to facilitate the sale of these products.

As Easter approaches we will be conducting an Easter Raffle so watch this space for tickets going on sale.

Next Meeting

Next Residents, Family and Friends Meeting will be held 3rd March at 2pm in the Rec Room, all residents welcome!

Ann West and Tracy Parry

Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinators

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