Holloway Newsletter - June 2022

1 June 2022

Italian National Day, Milleara Mall Crafting Ladies, Shopping Direct and Much More!

Hello everyone, 

We hope everyone is keeping well and warm the weather is certainly getting chilly and the winter wardrobe getting worn. However we have a lots of plans for June to keep our residents active and warm. 

For Italian National Day we are off to Italy by armchair travel, which includes a taste of the nation. 

The crafting ladies are getting back into action producing items for sale, we have a stall at Milleara Mall booked for 21st July. We will ask the men’s shed if they can make anything too. 

We have a ballroom dance demonstration on June 10th followed by afternoon tea so a sort of tea dance. We hope this will be well supported and become a regular on the program with residents doing some dancing. 

We are off to East Keilor RSL on 14th June for morning melodies and having Royal Bingo and quizzes on the afternoon to acknowledge the Queen’s birthday. 

On 16th June we are welcoming and saying farewell to new and old Volunteers. The last two years have posed many challenges for this area of the lifestyle program hopefully the future is brighter and we can again interact with volunteers on a regular basis. 

Shopping Direct will be here on 20th June for some in house retail therapy and Bunnings are back on 21st for a collage workshop. 

Lawrie Merrigan has several music related sessions planned and community worship is on 23rd June. 

Ann will be hosting individual house meetings over June for residents to have their say and address any issues. 

Thank you!

A big thank goes to June Jones for her very generous contribution of a substantial gift for every resident at Holloway to cheer them up as we continue to function around COVID restrictions.

Workforce News

Holloway are proud to announce that Connie Micallef has been awarded a Pride of Workmanship Award by Keilor East Rotary club. The presentations were held on 23rd May at Aberfeldie Community Bowls Club and were attended by Connie’s close family. She was nominated by Bruce Cameron and received her award from Ben Carrol MP a lovely evening was had by all.

Important Reminders

As the weather gets cooler it is always a temptation for visitors to park within the facility. We are aware that parking is a challenge but unless you are picking up, dropping off or moving in/collecting belongings for a resident we ask that you park outside of the facility. We require to maintain access 24/7 for emergency vehicles and contractors completing maintenance repairs. If you do park in the circle please do not be offended if we ask you to move your vehicle.

Fund raising

The Biggest Morning and Biggest Afternoon teas raised $171.00 for the Cancer Council, a big thank you to everyone who contributed to this cause.

Residents, Family and Friends Meeting

Next Residents, Family and Friends Meeting will be held on 2nd June at 2pm in the Rec Room, all residents welcome. Holloway Fund Raising Committee meeting to follow.

Ann West and Tracy Parry

Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinators

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