Holloway Newsletter - May 2022

Dom Dedic • 1 May 2022

Mother's Day, Armchair Travel, International Nurses Day, Australia's Biggest Morning Tea and Much More!

We hope everyone is keeping well and managing to keep flexible as COVID is still affecting all our lives. 

May sees us looking forward to celebrating Mothering Sunday with our many wonderful Mothers we will be delivering a gift on Friday 6th and Lawrie will join us on the afternoon for Music celebrating women. 

Armchair travel this month sees us off to Hawaii which will bring new and old memories for many. 

We plan to get back in the productive swing with a couple of knitting and sewing circles as we need to get some stock produced so we can book a stall at Milleara Mall. We have missed going to the Mall over COVID and hope we can get back there by the end of the year with lots of things to sell. 

The Holloway Happy Ladies group are having a happy hour on Friday 13th May and the cancelled Thai Takeaway night from 29th April is rescheduled for this Friday. 

The lovely ladies from Bunnings will be back with us on 24th May. 

The men’s shed will be hosting their next men’s lunch on 27th May with Lawrie Merrigan and David Dippie as guests. 

On the 31st we have fund raisers to make money for cancer research as we are hosting the biggest morning tea in RSL houses and the biggest afternoon tea in the recreation room. Sadly we still cannot invite families and friends to join us at these events but if you want to donate to the Cancer Council please see Tracy or Ann. 

Thank you!

May is the month we show appreciation for all the workforce as the 12th May is International Nurses Day. On this day we host a special breakfast to say thank you to our wonderful team for the commitment they make to our residents and to Holloway Aged Care Services. 

Fund raising

The Easter raffle was very successful with the Easter Bunny drawing the winning tickets. We had 24 prizes in all which is too many to fit on the News letter so here are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners:

1st Prize went to Kylie Beaton

2nd Prize to Judy Dippie and

3rd Prize to Norma Sullivan

In total the raffle raised $334.50 which the Resident fund raising committee plan to use towards the purchase of Digital Orientation Clocks for all Houses.

Important Reminders

It's that time of the year again for Flu Vaccination and the clinical team have been working hard organizing consents and vaccines for residents and the workforce team. Please consider having the Flu vaccine if you are planning to visit Holloway it is another important way in which we can keep the Holloway Community safe.

The department of health have also recommended a fourth COVID vaccine for our residents and Tara and the clinical team are organizing this.

Next Meeting

Next Residents, Family and Friends Meeting will be held on 5th May at 2pm in the Rec Room, all residents welcome. Holloway Fund Raising Committee meeting to follow. 

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